Educational Assessments

If you are in limbo or confused about where your child is sitting academically an assessment is a powerful tool to identify any gaps in their learning and put you at ease! Additionally, you can opt for your child’s assessment to be shared with your tutor to help build a plan of action for September and hit the ground running.

Our assessments are not just a quick consultation but a measured and thoughtful approach to collect important information about a child’s behaviours, attitudes, attention, concentration, all of which can often impact learning.  This service will involve a two-hour session where your child will sit both a Literacy and Numeracy exam tailored to their age, a mental maths test and a short grammar and verbal reasoning quiz.  This will be followed up with an in-depth assessment pack which breaks down your child’s strengths, areas for development and suggested further recommendations. The recommendations not only include areas of development academically but learning methods to help revise and retain information an excellent tool for the future!

We offer multiple packages:

  • KS1 Assessment
  • KS2 Assessment
  • 11+ Assessment
  • 13+ Assessment
If you would be interested in booking in an Educational Assessment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.